Tuesday, May 20, 2008

My Karate Class

Today at 6 p.m. I went to karate class. We start class in a line, but since we have a competition on Sunday, June 1, the teacher was talking about that. So, while I won't tell you everything he said, but anyway, today we learned a really cool technique where you do "maigheri" a Japanaese word that means kick, I think: One person kicks and the other person grabs his leg and then grabs his kimono and pushes him onto the ground and punches him in the chest (not real punching).

Then, there's this technique that we've been working on for a while for the contest. It's called taniuscidon (or something like that!). The first thing you have to do is the salute, then do the moves in the shape of an H (two punches (with walking)to the left, two to your right, then three passes of punching/walking, then do one more and say KAII, which is to express anger and then another two punches/steps to the right, then left, then another four passes, then say KAII again, 2 to the right and then say Yamee, which means rest in Japanese.


ginnie said...
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ginnie said...

Hi. I look forward to seeing you in a few weeks. Just don't use your karate moves on me, our brothers beat me up enough when we were kids! Maybe you can get them back for me and use your moves on them :)