Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Back in the USA...for now!

We've been on vacation in New York and Pennsylvania for about a week and a half now. We spent time at my Uncle and Aunt's house where we had a Father's Day BBQ, and time at my big brother's house, where we had another BBQ and went in the pool. Now I'm at my cousin Brett's house, with my nephew too, going to golf camp. We have a 45 minute lesson and then play nine holes. You are supposed to be at least 8 years old and Sebastian just turned seven! but they are letting him play. We made new friends yesterday and had fun, but I got sunburned. At first it was cloudy and we thought it would rain, but then the sun came out and I didn't have sunscreen. Today it is better than last night, and today I am wearing 55 sunscreen all over. And sunglasses. I hope it stays cloudy!

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